our pantry
snacks & meals

some stuff that's ready for nibbling ...

BOOKLIBROTHING: la bienvenida // welcome [2023_am/mhwl/cndi/njg/rg]

un debut bilingüe de 11 poemas versionados en español por am y co-transversionados al inglés por mhwl, cndi, njy, y rg. "la bienvenida" es un frondoso torbellino lingüístico escrito entre ciudad juárez, chihuahua y phoenix, az. en palabras de am, escribir estos poemas fue una forma de darse la bienvenida a casa.

lee/escucha/desgarga gratis aquí


a bilingual debut collection of 11 poems versioned in spanish by am and then co-transversioned into english by mhwl, cndi, njy, and rg. "welcome" is a lush lingual whirlwind written between ciudad juárez, chihuahua and phoenix, az. in am's words, writing these poems was a way to welcome himself home. 

read/listen/download for free here

BROADSIDETHING: siyóname: cousins without borders [2023_om]

a profusion of 33 [un]foldable broadsides featuring sporulated stanzas from om's poem "siyóname: cousins without borders." propagated in celebration of the launch event on 01.21.23 at palabras bilingual bookstore for om's debut full-length poetry collection, des_______: papeles, palabras, & poems from the desert [tolsun books, 2022].

listen to om reading the poem here

printable version of the broadsides here

printing + folding instructions [coming soon]

interactive digital version of the poem here [designed for computer rather than phone]

ZINETHING: el cuerpo del poema del cuerpo // the body of the poem of the body [2022_cga/bnt/mhwl/rg/cndi]

una meditación sobre la creatividad y el triunfo por la poeta puertorriqueña cga. traducida en colaboración por bnt, mhwl, rg, y cndi. lanzada como parte del evento BOCALLAGE 3.0: una celebración de la traducción.

escríbenos si quieres una copia física [$5-10 escala móvil].

lee en español aquí

fotos del zine aquí

video del lanzamiento aquí donde puedes escuchar el poema en español y inglés


a meditation on creativity and triumph by the puerto rican poet cga. translated in collaboration by bnt, mhwl, rg, and cndi. launched as part of COLLAGEMOUTH 3.0: a translation celebration.

email for physical copy [$5-10 sliding scale].  

read in english here 

photos of the zine here

video of the launch reading here where you can hear the poem in both english and spanish

LIBROTHING: lapsus [2022_fcrii/mhwl]

una selección de poemas escritos entre 2014 y 2017 por el poeta y rapero boricua fcrii. meditaciones sobre la memoria, el dogma y la metapoesía intercaladas con dibujos oníricos. "lapsus" es un libro que nos invita a bailar en el espacio entre lo que se quiere decir y lo que se dice.

editado en colaboración con mhwl quien también hizo un collage que está incluido en la colección.

lee/escucha/desgarga gratis aquí


a selection of poems written between 2014 and 2017 by the boricua poet and rapper fcrii. meditations on memory, dogma, and metapoetry interspersed with oneiric drawings. "lapsus" is a book that invites us to dance in the space between what's meant and what's said.

edited in collaboration with mhwl who also made a collage which is included in the collection.

read/listen/download for free here

BOOKLIBROTHING: márgenes//margins [2021_tg/mhwl/cndi/rg]

una colección de poemas escritos por tg en los márgenes de otras obras. traducido del español en colaboración por mhwl, cndi y rg. 

edición bilingüe y bidireccional. impresa en casa. hecho a mano. gratis a leer/escuchar abajo. escríbenos si quieres una copia física [$5-10 escala móvil].

lee en español aquí 

escucha en español aquí [leído por tg]

fotos del libro aquí

ve el lanzamiento aquí

pequeña reseña aquí

si quieres imprimir tu propia copia, escríbenos y te enviaremos los archivos listos para imprimir con instrucciones :)


a collection of poems written by tg in the margins of other works. collaboratively translated from the spanish by mhwl, cndi, and rg. 

bilingual, bidirectional edition. printed at home. bound by hand. free to read/listen below. email for physical copy [$5-10 sliding scale].

read in english here

listen in english here [read by njg]

pics of the book here

watch the book launch here

little review here

if you'd like to print your own copy, email us and we'll send you the print-ready files with instructions :)

CO-POEMTHING: vip typo [2021 nf/rg]

multi-modal fast-paced exquisite corpse made in a flash using a typewriter, magazine scraps, the language is a virus visual poetry tool, and good old fashioned pencil and paper. generated during nf's weekend visit to phx. the lingering question ... how many arms and brains do we have? 

read here

ZINETHING: ice [2021 hb]

excerpts from an unpublished manuscript written during three winter months the writer [hb] spent alone in a small fishing town at the end of a long sand spit reaching out into the atlantic ocean, where she had fled in a major life crisis. the original manuscript, in the form of a journal, begins with this entry

40-page frosted zine printed and assembled with love in the sonoran desert. free to read below. email for physical copy.

read here

listen here 

download print-ready pdf here
[full scale, doubled-sided, flip on short edge]

physical zine pics here

original [revised] email from hb to rg sent 09.06.20 here

ZINETHING: the trans prefix [2021 njg]

poemessay on translation, alternatives to acrossness, googlenglish, criss-crossing peripheries, personal projections, and transness. a work in progress.  

32-page micro-zine printed on a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper. second spore in the no.good.home LESSAY SERIES. free to read below. email for physical copy.

read here

listen here 

download print-ready pdf here
[full scale, doubled-sided, flip on short edge]

assembly tutorial gif here
[in progress]

physical zine pics here

ZINETHING: being a cretcha [2021 njg]

poemessay on epistemic injustice, vernal pools, translation, misapprehension, and, of course, being a cretcha. 

32-page micro-zine printed on a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper. inaugural spore in the no.good.home LESSAY SERIES. free to read below. email for physical copy.

read here

listen here 

download print-ready pdf here
[full scale, doubled-sided, flip on short edge]

assembly tutorial gif here
[in progress]

physical zine pics here

ZINETHING: condo®s [2021 rg]

writing around/toward the vulturistic condo-highrise apocalypse currently underway in phx.

read, listen, download, respond here

POEMTHING: self-sooth/e [2021 njg]

another dream poem:

text below
audio here



the mornings
this body

[between] /pillow :: legs
[another] /yet :: hour of
[life] /squeezing for dear


[body] /this :: walked as another
moved as another
comforted as another
initiated as another
loved as another
rejected as another

[another] /this body is
/this day is
/this life :: life,
/ :: walk,
/ :: light,
/ :: hour,
/ :: time,
/ :: wake

for the -::-
of this


POEMTHING: /injunction :: [2021 njg]

woke up from a dream with a burning need to spit out a syntax poem:

text below...

two audio versions here [exact] + here [adjacent]



/injunction ::

do not roam
[this web] /-inter-
[this body] /the contours of
[this home] /between :: and yours

do not roam this body

do not spare
[the time] /me
[the glances] /me /yourself
but do spare
[me] //

[glances] /adj.
[change] /零 /some :: to a state [being] /of
[movement] [energy] /the transfer of

this economy
[motion] /of /of e:: /of com:: /in endless

what happened to [motion] /economy of :: ?

[of] course /::f
we, [course] /[of] //::f
cour /::sing /::age /s:: /s::ge

[are] /[we wish] //who :: we were?
/sp:: us (it) all

[ease] /pl:: /::!
/:: [our] //y::self
/:: me
[to] /s::p /a::ne /::ggle the state
[be] //of ::ing
[as] /ple::e
